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Assassin's Creed 2 RG Mechanics torrent download for PC

Cover Assassin's Creed 2 (2010) download torrent RePack

Release date: 2010
Gender: 3rd person, Adventure, Action
Developer: Ubisoft
Editing: Ubisoft
Type of publication: Recondition
Interface language: RUS|ENG
Speech language: RUS|ENG


Operating system: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core 5200+
Video card: Nvidia Geforce 9800 or Radeon HD 4750
Hard disk space: 5.5 GB


Assassin’s Creed 2 – the sequel to the hit action game about the killer. This time, the action takes place in Italy, in 1476. Playing as a nobleman from Florence, you will be asked to complete various tasks. The main character now knows how to swim. In the Arsenal you can find: an axe, a hammer, a mace, spears, 2 different swords, a halberd and 2 small blades. But Assassins Creed 2’s enemies aren’t entirely sewn up either. Archers, heavy infantry with powerful armor and two-handed swords or axes, halberdiers and other soldiers will become a serious obstacle to completing tasks. There will be a total of 16 unique task types in the game,
except for the rudimentary stuff like pickpocketing and eavesdropping. In addition to the real
places in Assassins Creed 2 there are historical characters: Machiavelli, Catherine
Sforza, Lorenzo De’Medici. By collecting various hidden objects you can get
Interesting bonuses and achievements.


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