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Submerged: Hidden Depths RG Mechanics torrent download for PC

Submerged Cover: Hidden Depths

Release date: 2022
Gender: Adventure
Developer: Uppercut Games Pty Ltd
Editing: Uppercut Games Pty Ltd
Type of publication: Licence
Interface language: English, Russian
Speech language:
Crack: Here


Operating system: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Processor: 3.0 GHz, 4 cores
Video card: GTX 780
Hard disk space: 12 GB


Submerged Hidden Depths is an adventure simulator that takes us on a long and exciting adventure through the remains of a once-existing civilization.
First, meet the main character, a young girl named Miko, who possesses powerful powers. Together with her brother, the girl embarks on unpredictable and interesting events in order to harvest the seeds of a magical tree that can unite the darkness. The road ahead is long, because each seed is in a difficult to reach place, in unique places. Explore the environment, gain valuable information, collect useful resources and find answers to your questions. The game world is mysterious and unusual, so it will be a special pleasure to study it. Note the visual component, which is thought out to the smallest detail and will allow us to enjoy the colorful landscapes, immersing our heads in this fabulous world. The overall vibe is relaxing and positive, which will appeal to many fans of the genre.


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