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Terra Invicta RG Mechanics torrent download for PC

Terra Invicta Blanket

Release date: 2022
Gender: Simulator, Strategy
Developer: Interactive peacock
Editing: Interactive peacock
Type of publication: Licence
Interface language: English, Russian
Speech language:
Crack: Here


Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10
Processor: Intel Core i3
Video card: 2 GB of video memory
Hard disk space: 25 GB


Terra Invicta is a large-scale strategy with simulation elements that sends us to conquer the expanses of the science fiction world.
The storyline will tell how humanity was on the verge of extinction after the invasion of terrible alien creatures who equipped bases on neighboring planets to support their army. The people of Earth could not resist and were divided into seven different factions, each with their own vision of what was happening. You also need to choose one of the factions, improve, modify and expand it in every possible way, attracting more and more supporters. It’s worth noting that everything in the game tends to be randomly generated, so you definitely won’t get bored. The game mechanics are very versatile, which can make the game difficult at first, but special training has been added for this purpose. The dynamics are thought out at the highest level, and the visual component will allow everyone to plunge headlong into a series of adventures.


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