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Ultimate Fishing Simulator RG Mechanics torrent download for PC

Ultimate Fishing Simulator Cover

Release date: 2017
Gender: sport, Simulator
Developer: Ultimate Games SA, Bit Golem
Editing: Ultimate Games SA, Bit Golem
Type of publication: Licence
Interface language: English, Russian
Speech language:
Crack: Here


Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10
Processor: Intel i5
Video card: GTX 660
Hard disk space: 10 GB


Ultimate Fishing Simulator is an unusual simulator in its performance, in which you play the role of a fisherman who is ready to do anything for profit and will move towards success by any available means. This project combines well-designed graphics, physics and detailed gameplay, which will delight all gamers.
You will explore large-scale seas and oceans, and you will also find a large number of lakes and rivers. You need to catch a big fish and for that you need to have a huge amount of patience. Achieving your most cherished goal will not be so easy, so try to be as careful as possible in everything you do. Equip yourself with a good fishing rod and prepare suitable equipment for it, then set off to explore the sea, where you will constantly get acquainted with new and new types of fish.


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